Re-Connecting Open Waterfront Space in an Urban Residential Park 


LocationTulsa, Oklahoma, United States
ClientGeorge Kaiser Family Foundation
Size64 acres

SWA directed conceptual studies for incorporating a landmark residential estate, a multi-family housing complex and a creek corridor into the adjacent Arkansas River waterfront of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Recently acquired by a local community foundation, the total 64-acre area features sweeping lawns and a historic home that provides much-needed space for the city’s popular River Parks system.

The design concepts explore options for realigning, submerging, and bridging over Riverside Drive in order to connect adjacent neighborhoods to trails and open space along the river, including the recently constructed and SWA-designed 41st Street Plaza and refurbished trails.

Waterside activities will include a whitewater-kayaking venue, launching for other small boats, and pedestrian plazas. A children’s discovery museum will create a regional attraction within the estate area, with pavilions clustered within the wooded perimeter to maintain the signature open lawn area. Existing multi-family housing will be intensified, with recommendations for additional property acquisition to extend trail connections to other city neighborhoods and destinations.

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