Elderly residents at SunCity Kashiwa are no longer at a loss for dinner conversation: an underutilized terrace outside their extensive ground-level common spaces now features a dramatic pond and mountain-inspired rock formation with multiple cascading waterfalls. Everyone wants a window seat. The striking water feature crowns a new four-season view garden designed to complement a current architectural renovation, undertaken 15 years after the facility’s opening. Strategic grading purposefully elevates the landscape and allows maximum benefits from both deciduous and evergreen tree plantings, with the dense trees screening the south residential wing and the single-family residential neighborhood beyond from view of the main public spaces. The mechanical bunker for the water feature is adjacent to the water elements, greatly reducing running costs and providing a foundation for the rocks and topography. Other new attractions include the addition of an entry canopy, repaving the arrival court, and updated project signage.
Bamboo Grove Residence
Boasting premium views of the Jialing River, this development is divided into three residential parcels of different sizes and a commercial district with a sales center at its center. Unique topographical conditions for each parcel include, in one instance, a more than 40-meter grade change. The design responds to the natural topography of the site, using runo...
South Waterfront Greenway
A bold new plan for the area along the Willamette River includes a 1-1/2 mile extension of the City’s downtown’s parks and the reclamation of the river’s edge for public recreation. Working closely with the City of Portland, developers, and natural resource advocates, the design team devised a rational plan that places access and activity in targeted nodes wit...
Quail Hill
This mixed-use planned community of over 6,000 people features over 2,000 dwellings in a broad mix of single family detached dwellings, and over 500 multifamily dwellings, complemented by a retail center and 800,000 square feet of flexible development. . Prominent natural landforms such as the Southern Ridge and the three knolls have been preserved and incorpo...
Envision Willowick
The Cities of Garden Grove and Santa Ana are developing a “vision” for redevelopment of the Willowick Golf Course site. This process explored conceptual land use options that are formed by community and stakeholder collaboration and input. The Visioning is intended to be used to guide the preparation of development plans for Willowick. The visioning...