At the Confluence of Ecology, Culture and Technology


LocationDongguan, China
ClientDongguan Binhaiwan New District Management Committee
Size23 km2

The Dongguan District is located at Binhai Bay in China’s Pearl River Delta, strategically situated between Shenzhen’s airport and the city of Guangzhou. An international competition asked for ways to capitalize on the heavy flow of traffic between them while also addressing extreme environmental risks: the World Bank ranks the Pearl River Delta at the top of its list for expected economic losses due to climate change. The area is subjected to tropical cyclones and storm surges; 85 percent of its land is due to be inundated before 2100.

The concept of fluidity helped direct planning decisions that could connect the site’s social, environmental, and capital dispositions in this future “Delta City”. Operating from the fundamental knowledge that the area could at times be up to four meters underwater, a second public ground level was established throughout the project at that height. Plugging into the suggested walkways and bridges in that elevated grid is a landscape urbanism “kit of parts” designed to facilitate constructive interchanges between building forms and architecture. Intersecting civic and hydrological systems will facilitate knowledge transfer between the region’s social and civic realms.

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