Riverside Pocket Park Highlights Native Ecologies 


LocationLos Angeles, California, United States
ClientMountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
Size1.2 acres (0.49 hectares)

Milton Street Park is a  1.2-acre linear urban park alongside the Ballona Creek Bike Trail in Los Angeles, California. The plan incorporates numerous green-design elements, including the use of recycled materials, native planting, flow-through planters and treatment alongside the 1,000-foot-long, 45-foot-wide stretch of land. A variety of special elements such as bird-watching platforms, bike trail enhancements, seating and outdoor picnic areas enhance the visitor experience along the trail. The promotion of alternative transportation and the creation of an interpretative ecological habitat for birds, insects, and reptiles creates a sustainable network within an existing urban environment. SWA, in conjunction with the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, conducted community meetings, including a public design workshop to ensure that the design and safety needs of the residents were acknowledged and addressed in the plan conceptualized and presented by SWA.

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