Corridor Preserves Habitat, Water, and Recreation


LocationIrvine,, California, United States
ClientCity of Irvine
Size96 acres / 39 hectares

The Jeffrey Open Space Park represents approximately 96 acres of park and trails, with an average width of 265 ft. The three-mile long spine is designed for passive uses with a network of trails that connect to residential neighborhoods and active recreation parks.

The design process included a series of community workshops to solicit community’s comments, design ideas, and concerns on the project. Based and these workshops the basic program of design character for the corridor was established.

The primary design concept is to create a world-class park system, which serves as an open space connection with the community. SWA’s concept relies on classic Olmsted landscape design principles: simple, beautiful grading and plant massing; and on the creation of a sequential series of spaces. The native, rustic character of the planting material enhances the experience not only for trail users but also for daily commuters driving down Jeffrey Road. The design is meant to provide a fresh sense of place contrasting with the typical “clipped-lawn” character so common in this part of Orange County.

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