Land’s End: A Cultural Landscape in Evolution
Reconnecting Downtown Salt Lake City
Corporate Campus 3.0: Understanding Cultural Urbanism and Landscape Urbanism
A New Creek in the City
What Is A Park?: The Kindergarten Project
English Picturesque Restricts Contemporary Design
Legible Landscape: Design Not Nature
Nature Is Dead: Long Live Design
The UK Landscape
René Bihan, FASLA
“Every city has an ecology which defines it; my work centers on the Urban Wild. My designs are about working the seam between these two complex but complementary worlds. To achieve healthier wilderness we need to condense the urban boundaries, and to create healthier cities we need to expand and improve wilderness.”
René Bihan, FASLA, is an accomplished landscape architect, urban designer, and educator interested in issues of urbanism and landscape design and their symbiotic relationship to dense urban cities. René is a board member for The Cultural Landscape Foundation and an active member of the Bay Area’s architecture and design community. He has been a Commissioner for the San Francisco Arts Commission, sat on the Civic Design Review Panel and has been a member of the Better Streets Advisory Committee. He has an in-depth familiarity with construction, studio arts, and contemporary architecture. René credits this varied background with his desire to synthesize conceptual ideas with practical solutions on a wide variety of development projects around the world.
Master of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design (1994)
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, California State Polytechnic University (1988)
Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects (2015-Present)
Board Member, Cultural Landscape Foundation, SWA Group (2008-Present)
Member, Lambda Alpha (2014-Present)
Member, Urban Land Institute (2008-Present)
Civic Design Commissioner, San Francisco Art Commission (2004-2008)
ASLA Northern California Chapter Merit Award: Universidad de Monterrey (2016)
ASLA Northern California Chapter Honor Award: Iron Horse Park and Open Space (2014)
ULI Global Award for Excellence, Beijing Finance Street (2008)
ASLA Firm Award (2006)
IDRC Distinguished Environmental Planning Award: Charleston Park (1997)